Sitting Too Long Can Be Deadly!

Sitting Too Long Can Be Deadly!
Prolonged sitting can reduce blood flow by up to two-thirds in the legs. When blood collects in the blood vessels of the legs, a thrombus (clot) can develop in the deep veins of the body (deep vein thrombosis (DVT). About half of individuals with deep vein thrombosis don’t have warning symptoms, like leg swelling or pain. That does not mean that they are not in danger.
The Risk Factors for DVT
Deep vein thrombosis can be triggered by long hours traveling in cramped conditions, such as those found on airplanes. This increased risk is highest within the two weeks after a long flight.
Deep vein thrombosis may also develop after hours spent sitting at the computer or TV. Though anyone can be affected, the risk of deep vein thrombosis increases after age 40. As we get older, our clot-formation systems start to outpace our clot-breakdown systems, making us more prone to clots. Researchers have found a potential solution to this problem: a combination of nattokinase and French maritime pine bark extract.
Anti-Clotting Activity of Nattokinase
Nattokinase is an enzyme extracted from fermented soybeans (natto). Nattokinase combats unwanted clotting in several different ways-
- Decreasing the activation of pro-clotting factors,
- Breaking apart fibrin, the main protein in clots
- Reducing the conversion of fibrinogen (a fibrin precursor) to fibrin, and
- Inhibiting platelets from clumping to form a clot.
Putting Nattokinase to the Test
In a placebo-controlled study, 12 healthy men were given a single dose of 2,000 fibrinolytic units of nattokinase. Markers of the anti-clotting and clot-disrupting properties of nattokinase were detected in the subjects’ blood samples within two hours of just one single dose. 5
In another study, researchers tested nattokinase in 153 adults who sought medical treatment for deep vein thrombosis or related vascular disorders. Nattokinase reduced symptoms beyond the previous drug or surgical treatment. It led to complete remission of subjects’ remaining vascular symptoms.4
Pine Bark Extract Promotes Healthy Blood Circulation
Pine bark extract, as the name indicates, is an aqueous extract derived from the bark of pine tree. It is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. It also improves blood flow by promoting nitric oxide production.
One-way valves in leg veins prevent blood from flowing backwards and pooling in the lower legs. When these valves become damaged, it leads to pooling of blood and swelling of legs (edema).
Doctors commonly prescribe compression stockings to reduce edema. However, they are very uncomfortable to wear.
Pine Bark Extract Reduces Swelling and Pain of Legs (Edema)
In a yearlong study involving 156 patients with a history of a single, major thrombotic event, pine bark extract was significantly more effective than compression socks for decreasing leg edema. Even more significantly, while two patients in the compression stocking group developed new deep vein thrombosis ( DVT), the pine bark group remained DVT free. This is an important finding because people who experience deep vein thrombosis have another episode within 10 years with the highest risk of recurrence within the first year.3
Pine Bark Extract Prevents Post-Thrombotic Syndrome and Recurrence of DVT
After recovery from deep vein thrombosis, lingering symptoms such as chronic leg pain, swelling, discoloration, and new varicose veins occur in 43% of cases within two years. This is called ‘post-thrombotic syndrome’.
In an extensive study, scientists tested 815 people every six months for six years after their initial deep vein thrombosis. While all participants were asked to wear compression stockings, regular exercise and weight control, some of them also took pine bark extract, aspirin, or anticoagulant prescription drugs. In the pine bark group, only 3.6% developed post-thrombotic syndrome and recurrent DVT compared to 6.7% in the anticoagulant group, 12.9% in the aspirin group, and 14.9% in the control group.1
Combining Nattokinase and Pine Bark Extract
Our Bloodflow Formula combines nattokinase and pine bark extract for a two-in-one punch against leg pain, edema , and DVT. A clinical trial confirms the synergistic protective powers of this duo.
In a randomized controlled trial of 204 people taking long international flights, half were given a combination of nattokinase and pine bark extract two hours before their flight, and again six hours later. The other half were given a placebo. Both groups were asked to do mild isometric exercise and drink water every hour. While 5.4% of the placebo group developed flight-related deep vein thrombosis, the treatment group had zero cases! In addition, the placebo group had a 12% increase in ankle edema while the treatment group had a 15% decrease.2
The deep veins of our legs are prone to develop clots when we sit for long periods of time, such as on airplanes or at work.
Besides causing uncomfortable leg swelling, deep vein thrombosis carries the risk of the clot breaking free, traveling to the lungs, and causing a potentially fatal embolism.
Nattokinase and French maritime pine bark extract work together to promote healthy blood flow and inhibit venous blood clots.
Clinical trials have proven the protective circulatory benefits of these plant compounds in high-risk groups, including people on long flights and those with a history of deep vein thrombosis.
- Belcaro G, Dugall M, Hu S, et al. Prevention of recurrent venous thrombosis and post-thrombotic syndrome. Minerva Cardioangiol. 2018 Jun;66(3):238-45.
- Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Nicolaides AN, et al. Prevention of venous thrombosis in long-haul flights with Flite Tabs: the LONFLIT-FLITE randomized, controlled trial. Angiology. 2003 Sep-Oct; 54(5):531-9.
- Errichi BM, Belcaro G, Hosoi M, et al. Prevention of post throm-botic syndrome with Pycnogenol(R) in a twelve month study. Panminerva Med. 2011 Sep;53(3 Suppl1):21-7.
- Gallelli G, Di Mizio G, Palleria C, et al. Data Recorded in Real Life Support the Safety of Nattokinase in Patients with Vascular Diseases. Nutrients. 2021 Jun 13;13(6).
- Kurosawa Y, Nirengi S, Homma T, et al. A single-dose of oral nattokinase potentiates thrombolysis and anti-coagulation profiles. Sci Rep. 2015 Jun 25;5:11601.