Why You Should Take Jet Lag Formula For Long-Distance Travel
During long-distance flights or travel, blood pools in the legs causing edema, swelling, discomfort, and pain. Even more worrisome part is that because you are sitting still in a confined space for long periods of time blood clots can form in the deep veins (Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT) of your legs during travel. A WHO study showed that the risk of DVT increased 2- to 3-fold after long-haul travel flights of more than 4 hours. Other risk factors that can cause travel-associated blood clots include older age (>40 years), obesity, varicose veins, pregnancy, recent surgery, previous blood clots, or a family history of blood clots.
Symptoms of DVT include swelling, pain, or tenderness in leg, warm, or red skin. However, many people with DVT have no symptoms at all. In a life-threatening complication, the clot may break loose and make its way either to the lung, leading to a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism or to the brain, leading to a potentially paralyzing stroke.
Bloodflow Formula contains two natural ingredients– pine bark extract and nattokinase. Pine bark extract is rich in potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenols, including procyanidins and phenolic acids. It dilates blood vessels and reduces the “stickiness” of blood platelets – making them less likely to form into clots. Nattokinase is a proteolytic enzyme made from fermented soybeans. Nattokinase helps breaks down fibrin –the main protein found in clots– and also breaks down fibrinogen, the precursor to fibrin. It achieves this without causing bleeding. Together, these two ingredients increase elasticity of blood vessel walls, improve microcirculation, reduce swelling and pain in legs and ankles, and inhibit formation of blood clots.